1 May 2023

ERC Advanced Grant on Bohr for Guido Bacciagaluppi from Utrecht University

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to Guido Bacciagaluppi (Utrecht University) for research on Niels Bohr (“Niels Bohr for the 21st Century”). The grants are awarded every year to exceptional senior researchers.  Bacciagaluppi will collaborate closely with the Niels Bohr Archive, make ample use of its historical sources, and contribute to the digitization of further collections.

Guido BacciagaluppiGuido Bacciagaluppi is a philosopher of science at the Freudenthal Institute at Utrecht University and an expert on the history and philosophy of quantum mechanics. In this ERC project, Bacciagaluppi aims at significantly improving our understanding of Bohr’s ideas, which will have implications for not only the philosophy of physics, but also beyond, such as biology and the philosophy of science.
