
9.45am Welcome

10.00am Professor Emeritus David Favrholdt, University of Southern Denmark:The Epistemological Lesson of Quantum Mechanics: Niels Bohr's Great Contribution to Philosophy

11.00am Break

11.30am Professor Helge Kragh, University of Aarhus:
The History of Quantum Physics as Seen Through the Niels Bohr Collected Works

12.30pm Professor Emeritus Ben Mottelson, Niels Bohr Institute:
Personal Reflections by a Physicist of the Generation after Niels Bohr

13.30pm Break

3.00pm Elsevier Books Publisher Donna de Weerd-Wilson presents set number 1 of the new edition of the Niels Bohr Collected Works to the Niels Bohr Archive

3.30pm Finn Aaserud, General Editor of the Bohr Collected Works and Director of the Niels Bohr Archive:
The Completion of the Niels Bohr Collected Works and Its Implications for the Future Work at the Niels Bohr Archive